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We'll get you better customers using your magic

Craft your intellectual property (IP) into proprietary learning experiences that

engage your prospects and compel desire for your offerings.

Why better customers matter?


Our Features

Functionality You Will Love


Targeted messaging

Marketing professionals fear creating campaigns that do not resonate with their intended audience. Failing to connect with the target audience can lead to wasted resources and poor campaign performance.


Our curriculum approach to marketing adapts classroom methods that generate interest and “convert” students from passive listeners to active learners, and apply it to your business.


Clear path to value

Educators excel at keeping students engaged through continuous assessment, personalised feedback, and fostering a love for learning. They turn interested students into subject enthusiasts who spread their passion to peers – a direct parallel to marketers' goals of customer retention and creating brand ambassadors


Active brand building

Teachers are experts at increasing the visibility and importance of their subjects. They employ various channels – from classroom discussions to interactive projects – to ensure students recognise and remember key concepts.


In the same way, our method will create learning experiences based on your IP so that your target audience recognise and remember your brand.


Success oriented

Content marketing aims to create and share valuable, relevant content to attract and engage a target audience. It is in essence the same as content-driven curriculum that focuses on delivering specific subject matter and information to students. While content marketing is widely accepted as an established and essential part of modern digital marketing strategies, content-driven curriculum is ironically often criticised as a fundamental flaw in today's education system - too theoretical and not practical!


Our outcome-based curricular approach aims to effect behaviour change in your target audience so that they behave more and more like your most successful customers. 

How it works


Identify your best customers

Your best customers are the ones who spend the most $$$ with you and stay with you the longest; use your product or service to create wonders of their own.

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Find out why they buy

What problems are they trying to solve? What is the goal they are trying to achieve? What are their key business stats e.g. revenue, profit, no. of customers, before & after becoming your customer?


Codify their interactions with product

How are they using the products? What are the actions they take when using the product? What is the knowledge underpinning that performance? What is the required disposition to perform in that manner?


Determine the success factors

Why are the interactions leading to success? What are the deliverables of their interactions? What makes these deliverables desirable?


Reproduce success

How might we design tasks that prompt an apprentice to replicate the maven's manoeuvres in order to reproduce success?

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© 2024 by Rusty Frangipani

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